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What is selling in B2C

There are a huge number of variations of actions and algorithms in the world, but only a few of them bring results. In fact, our whole life is an algorithm, and how effective it is depends only on you.

The same applies to the B2C Business-to-consumer segment.

This is a segment of the business designed for the mass market, it includes all services and shops where you can just go in and buy the necessary goods. For example: Restaurants, grocery retail, mobile operators.

The listed criteria have been known for hundreds of years, but they are never told to the masses, and they are always closed to the eyes of the ordinary public.

💰 1. Money.

Increase the amount of money in your pocket or reduce expenses. This is simply the Holy Grail of the money-bearing mass-market industry. 90% of people on the planet want both on a daily basis.


✔ī¸ Why are retail store cards so popular? And people make millions of them? It's simple, they help save money on purchases, and stores, in turn, are given absolute statistics of purchased goods, so they change the assortment of what is not sold to what is at peak sales.

✔ī¸ Discount coupon websites for products and services.

Summarising the principle: Earn more, spend less.

💎 2. Show-offs.

Show-offs are more expensive than money for many people.


✔ī¸ Apple products have made and are making billions of dollars on show-offs. Smartphones, laptops, watches, and other junk that is no different from the goods of alternative companies for the same price tag. By the way, do you know how this image was created? One of the approaches was to use films where they showed a successful director or owner of a company who has huge houses, several luxury cars, and a posh life. Quite by chance, only Apple technology is in use.

✔ī¸ This also includes orders from famous artists or musicians for weddings or holidays.

Summarising the principle: You are the only one out of 8,000,000,000 people.

🧭 3. Health.


✔ī¸ Why do many people around the world run in the morning, go to swimming pools and fitness centers? To improve the endurance of the heart and figure, which in turn will increase life expectancy.

✔ī¸ Cosmetologists, dentists, and massage therapists, all their services are aimed at being healthy.

Summing up the principle: To live longer by X years, to look younger than other people your age.

💋 4. Sexuality.

The oldest profession in our time is one of the largest markets, which has transformed into a huge number of forms.


✔ī¸ Advertising consists of almost 95% sexual images, where the product is presented by a beautiful girl (if the product is for guys) or a handsome guy, if the product is for girls). According to statistics, it sells ten times better.

✔ī¸ Logos of many companies resemble all the same images, take, for example, the McDonald's logo. If you turn it 180 degrees, does it resemble anything?

Summarising the principle: Sexuality and its symbols sell ten times better.

😄 5. Humor.

Since the most ancient times, the saying has reached us: Bread and circuses, and today nothing has changed.

This is precisely about the fact that humour has been on sale since the time of kings, who always had buffoons at court who made him laugh, and nowadays different Comedy clubs, stand-up shows, and comedians do it. Why is humour for sale? The lives of most people are boring and monotonous, where there is no place for laughter and fun. Unfortunately, that is why they buy up so quickly what amuses them and brings mood.


✔ī¸ Comedy shows, separately taken by independent comedians, who today assemble stadiums not only in the USA, Europe, and England.

✔ī¸ Bloggers who shoot their Vine and YouTube videos on the topic of humour have hundreds of thousands and millions of subscribers.

Summarising the principle: Improve the mood of 10 people on the first day, on the second day, they will pay you for repeated fun.

☚ī¸ 6. Despondency.

Despondency and a depressed mood are also sold as humour, otherwise, why are melodramas so popular?


✔ī¸ Movies in the melodrama category collect hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office.

✔ī¸ Sad music on the topic of suffering, loss of love, who has never listened to this?

Summarising the principle: A solution that allows a person to get rid of despondency or, on the contrary, to plunge into even more.

🏆 7. Pride.

In life, every person needs to have reasons for pride, preferably his own, and not be proud of the victories of people he has never known and to whom he has absolutely nothing to do.


✔ī¸ In computer games, various titles and points are often sold, which bring the creators billions.

✔ī¸ Collectible items: books, medals, coins, paintings./p>

Summarising the principle: Sell or assign to people what they will be proud of.

😡 8. Anger.

Anger supports a huge number of markets formed specifically for it. Examples are known from gladiator fights.


✔ī¸ The UFC, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, and other martial arts are nothing more than the release of anger.

✔ī¸ In many advanced countries of the world, there have long been special services where a person pays money, enters a room furnished with furniture and household accessories, and begins to destroy it all, releasing his anger.

Summarising the principle: Anger has been a part of any person since the days of the cavemen, when it was necessary to physically fight for survival. Today, nothing has changed except the form, today, there is a social selection, whoever is smarter and adapts faster, he survives.

🔒 9. Security.

Personal security, money, property, and other items dear to a person will always be perfectly safe.


✔ī¸ Anonymous transfers and money storage.

✔ī¸ Encrypted email.

☑ī¸ Results:

Your goods, services, or products must necessarily meet one or more criteria, in this case, there will always be a queue of customers. Look at the examples and tell me what will sell better. The product is the same, but different examples show the results it actually provides. People always buy something that increases or decreases one of the above points. And if there are 100 offers in your assortment, a description of the USP is created for each of them using these criteria.

Example 1.

✔ī¸ Fish oil in capsules, which will increase life expectancy by at least 15 years and eliminate any cardiovascular diseases by 99%.

❌ Fish oil in capsules.

Example 2.

✔ī¸ Photos that emphasise the fact that you look 3-5 years younger than people your age.

❌ Photo.

Example 3.

✔ī¸ Service to increase sales in net profit by $100,000.

❌ Service for increase sales.

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