The expert on bringing companies to the position of market leaders

It's impossible to surpass someone whose steps you can't even see

Strategy that will change everything in your life in 10 minutes.

This strategy is rightfully considered to be included in the TOP 5 in the blog category.

What you learn here will show you which "barrier" in the minds of most people from generation to generation and hundreds of years interferes with and prevents them from obtaining the results and the formation of the person they want to be.

Before starting the explanation, let's conduct a very simple but indicative experiment.

😎 Just do this, otherwise, the effect of the recording will not be so bright!

Perform 3 simple actions:

1) Pick up your smartphone.

2) Enter the calculator.

3) Enter 571828541.

Have you done it?


And now mentally add to these numbers at the end the word “dollars”, “pounds” or “euro.”

Oooooowwww, feel what is happening in your head and how much your perception of these "nondescript numbers" has changed after adding only one phrase. And how many pictures already, one after another, are carried out in your mind from the series "This is unattainable", "Very big money", impossible," and other information garbage.

But after all, only a couple of seconds ago, this was not the case until you added one phrase. And you understand that nothing has changed in reality? The numbers remained on your calculator with numbers, only your attitude toward them has changed, which was created inside your consciousness. And your brain, if you do not know how to manage it, will do this with you constantly, in all the contexts of life, limiting your ability to achieve the results.

This is one of the most important points that destroys the fate of billions, and only a small number of people know this and skillfully use it, while the rest are surprised at how they achieved "such results."

To understand how it works, dive into the details.

💎 Information from the outside world that you see always passes through 3 stages:

1) Events

2) Interpretations

3) Estimates

We will analyze in detail each of them:

🤸 1) Events

What happened physically in this world is an event that we can fix through vision, hearing, kinesthetics, smell, or taste. That is, after five of our bodies obtain information, sensory organs are a very important feature of the event that occurs only in the external world.

⚠️ 2) Interpretations

x = y

The interpretation is created in the minds of a separate person regarding any events or purpose. Simply put, when one is equated to the other, regardless of whether it is true or not.

Example 1.

“You can’t honestly earn millions.”

x (earn millions) = y (honestly cannot).

Interpretation is one of the most dangerous things since it simply does not leave a person a choice, showing a lie in which he is forced to believe and not even considering this option.

Answer: But what about the people who created social networks? Are they honestly earning their millions and billions? How are millions of other businessmen, guys and girls, who honestly earn their dozens and hundreds of millions of rubles around the world? Honestly, the interpretation is already a lie. And hundreds of such counter-commerce projects can be brought on a smaller scale by, for example, the most ordinary freelancers, who, with a sufficient level of knowledge, can quite easily earn more than one million rubles monthly. When you give such examples to a person who is captive of his interpretations and does not know how to work with them, do you know what they usually answer? "They were just lucky."

Example 2.

“All niches are busy.

x (all niches) = y (busy)

Answer: Really? But what about the indicator that the number of millionaires and billionaires in this world who themselves achieved their results did not steal them but earned them honestly with their brains in 2018 was the highest among all previous years? The world will never come to the moment when "everything has already been invented, invented, or created". Everyone who cannot build a business at the moment simply uses outdated strategies and knowledge, all markets are free, and the statistics of millionaires and billionaires are transparent.

🧶 3) Assessments.

As well as with interpretations, assessments exist only in the heads of people regarding some events or interpretations.

The estimates include phrases such as: “It is possible” “well”, “badly” “slowly” “quickly“ highly " "cheap" “ tasty ”,“ not tasty ”“ beautiful ”,“ not beautiful ”, “large -scale”, etc.

And now we've got to the point.

Do you know what the whole secret is?

💡 Interpretations and assessments mean nothing in your life !!!

They exist and are randomly created only in your head . And if they do not mean anything, then they cannot be used at all when achieving goals, it will only hinder you, as it interferes with all other people anywhere in the world.

And if you do not know this, you have serious problems. You have all kinds of pictures and phrases in your head that stop you from moving toward your goals and finding the necessary strategies. That is, instead of spending time on achieving results, your brain completely blocks, through interpretation and assessment, any of your actions towards goals.

But since now you know about it, I will tell you how I personally feel about the goals.

⛔️ The answer is no.

Whatever amount of money I put aside for myself, which I go to, for me these are just numbers, I have no interpretations or assessments about this. All I do after I outline the result for myself is think about how. I came to this, and that’s all.

Once again, no interpretations, no assessments, I still have any other results in the world or not, how this goal is evaluated or how other people interpret it, all my 100% thoughts are aimed only at how to get there and no more. That is, all my thoughts remain only at the level of events and do not go further. Like a camera on your smartphone, it is like you to shoot, on this occasion, she has absolutely no thoughts, only fixations on events.

At first, this will not be given to you easily (this is also an assessment), but after 4-5 achievements, you will use this model automatically, and people around you—your friends and relatives—will be surprised, saying, "How you have achieved it, this is impossible. 😉

But we know how... 😎

This model and hundreds of others are described in detail in my NLP program. "How to achieve outstanding results in a couple of months, while the rest of other people have been working on it for ten years".

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