The expert on bringing companies to the position of market leaders

It's impossible to surpass someone whose steps you can't even see

💎 Business quotes

Each of the quotes given arose in my mind at a certain step in development and/or solving problems and going beyond new boundaries to achieve previously inaccessible results.

Learn them carefully, they will allow you to open your eyes to a lot.

💡 1. It is impossible to get ahead of the one whose steps you do not even see.

No matter how much money, connections, or resources you have, if you do not know the methodology for creating businesses or products per billion, you will simply repeat the fate of the Kodak company.

🚀 2. If one person could do this, then any other person could repeat it, if no one did this before you, then you will become the first.

The world will never come when everything has already been developed or invented, moreover, everything that has been surrounded by something for the first time in the world was once created.

🎡 3. There is a place for a leader in any active system at the moment, if they do not suit him, he will create a new one in which he will automatically become a leader.

It is most often easier to just create a solution that suits you than try to change something already existing.

📚 4. My religion is knowledge.

I believe exclusively that it brings me results in life.

👁 5. The most outstanding people in this world are invisible.

Whoever screams the loudest that he is great is, in 100% of cases, 0, truly outstanding people do not need to prove anything to anyone.

1️⃣ 6. Only digits lead to results.

The route on the map can be found by knowing the longitude and breadth, which in turn are measured in numbers.

✏️ 7. All great things are done alone.

The larger the team, the worse the solutions, this applies to both business and science, sports, and other human life contexts. When the average IQ coefficient is divided by the number of people in a group, we find out the IQ of herds. Loners create the most profitable businesses in the world and make the greatest discoveries. Fact.

🔎 8. Each outstanding result has a step-by-step algorithm of actions.

Any results, both effective and not effective, are divided into specific physical actions.

🔑 9.In total, there are two types of  market  development: a) the creation of new solutions that have not been available before. b) copying existing services or products, and make a price lower.

The one who is the first on the market creates products that have not been previously created and assigns their value to them. The one who goes through copying enters a situation in which hundreds of thousands like it and they all sell the same thing. In such a context, the only criterion for choosing customers is the price.

📯 10. Competition behind companies does not exist at any point in the world.

How do customers choose a product? Someone forces them, or do they all make a choice? Exactly until you make the most valuable decisions in the market that will be the only logical choice of everything from the offers, you will never have problems with customers. Competition is possible only in one case: when all companies sell the same product or service.

🗺️️ 11. The frames of your map of the world affect your whole life.

An example of ineffective frames "Buy a car", Fly on vacation for a couple of weeks. An effective frame (one of many) is how to arrange your life in such a way as to live anywhere in the world on an ongoing basis and be able to buy any car. Fundamentally different paths, as the compass is directed to the necessary actions and creates completely different results.

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